NaITER’s Annual General Meeting was held at the Government Youth Hostel in Veli. 15 members attended the public meeting. Mr. Sujith Edwin Pereira (Director, NaITER) presided over the annual meeting. Mr. Sujith Surendran delivered the welcome address. Later, Secretary Mr. Daniel R presented the annual report and treasurer Mr. Vasanth Krishnan S presented the financial report. The report and financial report were approved by the meeting after discussion.

The office bearers for the next year were elected at the annual general meeting. The new office-bearers took over the charge and after discussions presented a plan for the next 3 months. Mr. Vishnu Prasad M V expressed gratitude for the meeting.

Newly elected office bearers

  • Director : Mr. Sujith Edwin Pereira
  • Secretary and PRO : Mr. Vishnu Prasad M V
  • Financial Officer : Mr. Sujith Surendran
  • Media and Marketing Officer : Mr. Daniel R
  • Internal Auditor: Mr. Vasanth Krishnan S
  • Program Coordinators
    • South Zone : Mr. Biju B
    • Central Zone : Mr. Vasanth Krishnan and Mr. Nisamudheen K
    • North Zone : Mr. Vishnu Prasad M V
  • Program Officers
    • Life Skill School : Mr. Nisamudheen K
    • Training School : Mr. Vasanth Krishnan S
    • Institute and Research School : Mr. Satheesh S
    • Activity School : Mr. Johny M A and Mr. Biju B
  • Program Associates
    • Life Skill School : Mr. Ashkar and Mr. Safvan
    • Training School : Mr. Arun Gopal V and Miss. Akhila Chandran
    • Institute and Research School : Mr. Sivamohan

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