A three-day employee well-being camp was conducted by Thanal, an NGO actively involved in environmental issues, for its employees. The three-day camp was organized jointly by Thanal and National Institue for Training and Educational Research (NaITER) along with the support of GAIAAsia Pacific. The camp was held on 11,12 and 13 of December at Grameena Patana Kendram, Karakulam in Thiruvanthapuram.

Day 1 of the three-day camp started with the inaugural address. Thanal assistant Director Shri. Raju S presided over for the same. Shri Sujith Edwin Periera, Director of NaITER welcomed the gathering. Thank executive director Shri Jayakumar C officially inaugurated the wellness camp and addressed the camp participants on the major objectives of the camp. Shrimati Muthulakshmi, Chief Executive officer of Thanal, and Shrimati Manju, Assistant Director, Thanal, also welcomed the gathering. Later Shri Suith Edwin Periera discussed the camp schedule and the inaugural session was concluded.

The first session of Day1 titled ‘ Change the mood and join the team’ was handled by Infotainment Social Fcilitaor of NaITER, Shri Biju Mavelikkara. The second session on Trainers’ introduction and strengthening relationship between trainers and participants was handled jointly by the trainers of NaITER Shri Johny M A., Shri Vasanth Krishnan, Shri Vishuprasad, and Shri Daniel R. Each trainer had a session for 15 minutes. After lunch, the participants attended a session on What’s your Art -find your star. The session was handled by Shri Sujith Edwin Periera, founder-director, Life facilitator, and Mentors’ mentor of NaITER. The fourth session was on the topic Mindfulness- Mind shifting, handled by Psychological Counsellor and People facilitator of NaITER, Shri Vishnu Prasad. After a short break Mind coach and people facilitator of NaITER Shri Vasanth Krishnan took a session on Personal growth and institutional success. Day 1 of the camp ended with a feedback and review meeting followed by cultural programs.

Day 2 of the camp started with a yoga session led by Shri Vishu Prasad, Psychological Counsellor and People facilitator of NaITER. This was followed by a session named morning circle led by Biju Mavelikara. This session was presented through various games and music. After a short one member, each from the five groups presented a day 1 camp report. This was followed by the first session of day 2. The first session of Day 2 was handled by Socio-Entrepreneur and People facilitator of Naiter, Shri Daniel R on the topic Mindful Communication- Communication is an art. Later Shri Sujith Edwin Periera led a session on Deep listening – Tune into mindful listening. After lunch, the session Guided reflection -reflection in action & on action was handled by Shri Vasanth Krishnan. The fourth session on Stress Management; Heartfulness and Find your happiness was taken by Psychological Counsellor and People facilitator of NaITER, Shri Vishnu Prasad. The fifth and final session was handled by Sujith Edwin Periera on the topic ‘ Find your happiness track’. This was followed by a review meeting about the five sessions of day 2. Day 2 of the three-day employee well-being camp came to end with the cultural programs organized by the Thanal staff members.

The third day of Synergy kick-started with the Morning circle that was packed with energetic songs and dance. After a short break, one from each of the 5 camp groups was asked to present a report on Day 2. This was followed by the first session of Day 3 – Communication process, Models and Hierarchy of effects was led by Shri. Satheesh S, Infotainment and People facilitator, NaITER. Founder director Of NaITER Shri Sujith Edwin Periera took a session on Group Dynamic Strategic Thinking-How to get great ideas /A system for extraordinary thinking.

After lunch, the camp participants held a day 3 review meeting. They also shared their camp experiences during the same. With the certificate distribution ceremony and group photo session the three-day employee well-being camp – Synergy 21 came to end.

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