NaITER Stars Day, part of the prestigious EVOLVE program, unfolded on March 23, 2024, at the Govt. Youth Hostel, Veli, Thiruvananthapuram. This event, organized by NaITER, stood as a pivotal moment in recognizing excellence within the realm of training and education.

The afternoon began with a vibrant Welcome Address by Mr. Nisamudheen K, the esteemed Academic Secretary of NaITER, whose words set an uplifting tone for the proceedings.

Mr. Sujith Edwin Pereira, Director of NaITER, presided over the event, underscoring the paramount importance of acknowledging and celebrating excellence in training.

Dr. Gopakumar S, Medical Superintendent of Govt. Ayurveda College, Pariyaram, Kannur, graced the occasion with his presence and inaugurated the event. His presence symbolized the fusion of traditional and contemporary knowledge systems in the training domain.

Dr. Sharmad Khan, Senior Medical Officer at Govt. Ayurveda Hospital Nemam, delivered an enlightening Keynote Address, emphasizing the perpetual significance of learning and innovation in training methodologies.

The event further gained momentum with felicitations extended by Mr. Pallippuram Jayakumar, a distinguished personality and News Reader of Door Darshan, who lauded the unwavering dedication of trainers in sculpting future talents.

The highlight of the day was the distribution of awards, signifying outstanding achievements in training:

  • NaITER Trainers Pinnacle Excellence Awards ’23 were conferred by Dr. Gopakumar S, recognizing exemplary contributions to the field.
  • NaITER Trainers Beyond Grateful Awards ’23 were presented by Dr. Sharmad Khan, honoring individuals who surpassed expectations in their training endeavors.
  • NaITER Trainers Ace of Initiative Awards ’23 were handed out by Mr. Pallippuram Jayakumar, acknowledging innovative approaches in training.
  • Additionally, Dr. Gopakumar S was accorded special recognition for his remarkable contributions to the field, further enriching the ceremony.

The event concluded on a note of gratitude, with Mr. Vishnu Prasad M V expressing appreciation to all participants and stakeholders for their invaluable contributions to the success of the event.

NaITER Stars Day at the EVOLVE program proved to be an enriching celebration, spotlighting the dedication, innovation, and excellence prevalent in the realm of training and education.

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