“PRABODHA 22”is 13 days life skills training and Law Awareness program for jail inmates at District jail Kollam as part of “NERVAZHI” project on 21st February to 5th March. Jointly organized by Govt. Of Kerala Social Justice Department- District Probation office Kollam and District jail Kollam. Academic supported by National Institute for Training and Educational Research ( NaITER).

PRABODHA 22 Inaugureted by District Prbotation Officer Mr. Siju Ben. Smijin Dath welcomed the gathering which was presided over by Mr Anasar , Suprendent of District Jail, Kollam NaITER Director Mr Sujith Edwin Pereira introduced the program schedule and the trainers. Jail Welfare Officer and Deputy Suprendent Faliciated.The program has mainly focused on helping prisoners to make decisions about their everyday life experiences. It also helps prepare them for adjustment for life outside a correctional institution. strengthen their will to work, sense of self-help, and spirit of cooperation by having them work with others.

The program was an awesome experience for our trainers and listeners. we have accomplished our mission through quality trainers and Valuable information. Listeners’ optimism has been continued for all thirteen days & which makes the program more memorable.

Sessions had been driven by Dr Sujith Edwin Pereira, Nisamudheen k, Vasanth Krishnan, Biju Mavelikkara, Sujith Surendran, Vishnu Prasad, Satheesh potty, Jhony MA and Dr Ganga Prasad on the topics of life skills, leadership, mental health and 21st-century skills.

And we appreciate our trainers for successful memorable accomplishing their sessions way, and we also want to thank and congratulate the listeners for their commitment to this program and the organizers of this program.
On the Last day distributed participation certificates and hand over gratitude and appreciation Momentous.

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