Prabodha 22 is a 13 days life skills training program for inmates at Kottarakkara Special Sub Jail. The programme was jointly organized by the Department of Social Justice – District Probation Office, Kollam, Kottarakkara Special Sub Jail in Cooperation with NaITER (National Institute for Training & Educational Research) The training programme was held From 23rd February 2022 to 08 March 2022. Prison Superintendent Shri Imam Razi inaugurated the programme, Probation Officer Mr Siju Ben gave the introductory speech and Probation Assistant Mr Smijin Dattu welcomed the audience. Seven vibrant trainers from NaITER took the sessions on the Kottarakkara sub-jail.

On the first day, Sujith Edwin Perera (Director NaITER) introduces life skills.  All the trainers have taken their session with lots of activities and games. The first session handled is icebreaking and it was handled by Biju Mavellikara (infotainment and Socializer, NaITER). The session was thrilling and outstanding he did well and prepared the inmates for the coming sessions. On the second day, the session was handled by Johny M A about problem-solving and decision making. He tried to figure out the problems which the inmates have gone through, give proper guidance on how to make the decision in their lives after they have been released from jail. The third-day session on empathy is handled by Vishnu prasad. He discussed the importance of empathy during daily life and the difference between sympathy and empathy. Vasanth Krishnan take the session on Inter-Personal relationships on the fourth day. He discussed the importance of relationships in life, types of relation etc. On the fifth day, Sujith Surendran took the session on Effective communication. This session includes how we communicate, 4Ps and 4Cs of effective communication, barriers of effective communication and the communication gap. Then the next two consecutive day’s sessions were handled by Nisamudheen K on critical thinking and creative thinking and self awareness. After the session the inmates know about the importance of critical thinking in their life and they know their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The next two days were about coping with stress and coping with emotions. In those sessions they together discussed positive emotion and negative emotion, types of emotions , types of stress, physical symptoms and behavioural symptoms etc. the sessions are very well handled by Vishnu Prasad and Vasanth krishnan. On the tenth day session on 21st Century skill and is taken by Satheesh S the session was very interesting and very well handled. On the next day a session on drug abuse.On the last day final session was handled by Sujith Edwin Pereria. overall it was a nice experience for all trainers who were part of the training programme.Government of Kerala Department of Social Justice – Probation Office, Kollam and Special Sub Jail, Kottarakkara have concluded a 13-day Legal and Life Skills Training Program jointly organized by NaITER (National Institute for Training and Educational Research). Probation Officer Siju Benser, Prison Superintendent Imam Razi Sir, Probation Assistant Smijin Dutt, Prison officers and inmates who attended the training are attended the valedictory function. Heartfelt thanks to NaITER trainers Biju Mavelikkara, Vasant Krishnan, Nizamuddin, Vishnu Prasad M V, Satheesh S, Johnny, Sujith Surendran, Dr Sujith Edwin Pereira and Manoj Kumar for making the training and experience.

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